Legacy vs. Heritage

Have you ever thought about your legacy versus your heritage?

Your heritage is where you are from, the traditions you practiced, and the things of your past. Whether it’s deep southern roots, a loud Italian grandma, an authoritative controlling parent, or an urban upbringing in the middle of a busy city - these are your heritage. Heritage is rarely (if ever) in our control. It is the family and life we are born into. Many of these practices and memories become engrained in us. They affect what we view as “normal” or “healthy”. Heritage effects our goals, hopes and dreams.

Many of us will repeat the things of our heritage, whether it is intentional or not. But the truth is, we have a choice on the legacy we leave. We can parent the way our parents parented us, or we can change it. We can spend money the way our family did, or we can learn from their mistakes and improve our finances. We choose the legacy we leave.

But, here is the trick. Change takes awareness, growth, healing and new habits. Some of the things of our heritage that we want to change may be painful things of the past. Trauma is real. Dysfunction grips our hearts and habits. If you need help working through the pains of your past, healing the present, and leaving the legacy you want - seek help. Whether it’s a book, a wise friend, or a valued counselor, growth is possible.

What is the legacy you want to leave? It’s your choice.


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